For years I've had the notion of taking a weekly photo of an everyday view in my life and watching how it changes over the course of a year and finally I've actually made the notion a reality.
I realised a couple of months ago that part of our walk to school everyday has become quite a regular photo opportunity. The light is particularly beautiful when it's low on winter mornings and #52weeksofschoolrun was born on Instagram.
I realised a couple of months ago that part of our walk to school everyday has become quite a regular photo opportunity. The light is particularly beautiful when it's low on winter mornings and #52weeksofschoolrun was born on Instagram.
I can't wait to see how this view changes and grows of the course of a year.
It's amazing already looking at how the trees have burst into leaf over the last few weeks.
"It's funny looking back, nothing has changed and yet everything is different"
- Anonymous -