
Intricately patterned, delicate images to be kept and treasured for a lifetime.

The last glorious week of February

We've been basking in glorious sunshine this week, it's been cold and frosty at night but warm and sunny during the day. Some afternoons we've even managed to play outside with no jackets on, a real change from the snow a few weeks ago!

It feels as if everyone and everything has come out of hibernation;  we have had more people walking and cycling past our house this week than in the whole of January and February combined, or so it seems! My bees have left their winter cluster and have been buzzing round the hive, returning from foraging trip with their legs covered in pollen;  the hens and ducks have started laying eggs again and the woods around our house are filled with birdsong.

Needless to say we've been spending our afternoons in the garden soaking up the vitamin D and enjoying the feeling that the whole world is coming out of hibernation! Not too great for getting much cutting done, but I've been sketching out some new designs and I'm writing this sitting on the back door step, in the sun, with the laptop perched on my knee!

What I HAVE managed to do this week is produce a super special limited edition run of my Grow Old screen print is a lovely deep, dusty scarlet to raise money for Red Nose Day.  For a suggested donation of £20 + £3 p&p you get a beautiful screen print to treasure forever PLUS the added satisfaction that every last one of your twenty pounds goes to a fabulous cause!  For more info go to my Facebook page, I only have FIVE left so if you'd like one don't leave it too late, once they're gone......they're gone!

Red Nose Day

{ Sneaky Peek Thursday } All Will Be Well