
Intricately patterned, delicate images to be kept and treasured for a lifetime.

Treasury Sunday

I try my best ( I really do!) to make an Etsy treasury every Sunday.  It's the kind of day that lends itself to a bit of quiet browsing on a theme.  This week I was all set to go with either Peach Melba or Pink and Turquoise as my theme and then.....................today was the most glorious, sunny, warm day of the year! 

We spent the afternoon in the garden, tidying up, digging, chasing the chickens and ducks...(you know.....the usual!) and I noticed the first hints of cherry blossom starting to open on the tree in the garden and my honey bees, for the first time this year, were as busy as....well, bees! So when I sat down to make the treasury Cherry blossom and honey popped into my head and voila.....I give you this Sundays treasury!

Bumblebee photograph by sixthandmain on Etsy

Treasury Sunday

Happy Friday...crack me!