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Mouldable sand

I've been meaning to make mouldable sand for a while and I've got round to it at last.  I got the recipie from the imagination tree, there are loads of great play ideas on the website and recipies for making paint, chalk and playdough!

  • 5 cups plain flour
  • 1 cup baby oil
Mix together and play!

I also added some glitter for a bit of extra bling!

As you can see, J loved it and despite being reminded that the "sand" was to stay in the box, about half of it landed on the floor! You can just see the dog under the table "tidying up", I'm not sure it did her digestion much good! I tidyed up the rest (much to Patchs disgust) with the hoover, and it all washed out of his clothes very easily!

It's all Christmassy!

What a week!